Compliance Management System
We operate in full compliance with statutory national and European legislation while our compliance is monitored and controlled via internal Compliance System, aligned with the strictest compliance systems of our global partners. We have developed a Compliance Management System that outlines in detail how the company fulfills the compliance obligations derived from local legislative frameworks, the applicable Codes of Practice, Partner requirements and applicable SOPs / Policies. The Compliance Management System consists of Policies and Procedures and a series of Working Documents, including the following:
• Preparation and Approval of Promotional / Scientific Material
• Approval of Grants, Donations & Promotional Expenses
• Reporting of Fraud, Misconduct or Violations
• Donations / Grants / Sponsorships
The Compliance Management System expresses Genesis's commitment to ethical business practices and compliance with the laws, regulations and applicable Codes of Practice. It summarizes all the basic rules and obligations that are incorporated into our everyday business and with which all staff need to comply with.
GENESIS Pharma has been certified by Tcompliance
Tcompliance has successfully completed a certification due diligence review of GENESIS Pharma and has issued the relevant certification signifying that the company has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process. The certification underscores GENESIS Pharma’s commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions. It is a widely recognized designation that signals the company’s commitment to ensure commercial transparency to its customers, business partners, suppliers and other contacts.
About Tcompliance (Formerly known as TRACE) Certification
Tcertification is a heavily benchmarked and comprehensive due diligence review, analysis and approval process establishing that an individual or organization has been thoroughly vetted, trained and certified by Tcompliance, a leading provider of widely benchmarked third party risk management solutions. For more information please refer to
GENESIS Pharma encourages speak-up culture on all issues relating to compliance.
You can submit your complaint to email